Saturday, 26 May 2007

Last night CPAP

Last night at about 10:30 Raphael's oxygen sensor alarmed and we witnessed the desaturation spike as low as 77%.

Unsure what was causing the problem we called a home care nurse who advised us to try suctioning him and also changing his Oxygen sensor probe (in case there was something wrong with the one we were using).

During the process we noticed that one of the air out-flow ports from the mask had become blocked with a dry goober and so we cleared the hole with a skewer and wiped out the mask. Suctioning did not get anything out of him but after we had put everything back on again we did not have any more problems for the whole night.

The nurse called again a short time later to see if we needed her to come but we were sure we were fine; gee they are dedicated!

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