Monday, 26 March 2007

ABR results

The results of the recent ABR test were not as good as what we were hoping.

The test demonstrate a hearing loss up to 50db on his right ear which is "consistent with a moderate, predominately conductive loss". The test also showed a hearing loss up to 40 or 50db in his left ear "consistent with a mild to moderate predominately sensorineural hearing loss."

It was recommended that Raphael be fitted with hearing aids in the short term, "until more accurate results can be obtained."

If his right ear's conductive hearing loss is due to otitis media (fluid in the middle ear), then it is possible that a simple surgery to insert grommets will resolve this hearing loss. Sensorineural loss is much more difficult to repair and I doubt that there is much that can be done to improve the hearing of his left ear.

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