Monday 17 September 2007

New hearing aids and weight check (10.36kg)

I weighed Raphael today at 10.36kg. This is a milestone for him becuase he has finally weighed more than the first weight check at the beginning of the trial (10.3kg). But before I hear you cheer too loudly, this only represents a 60g gain since 9/7/2007 (10 weeks).

Speaking of loudness, we also took Raphael to Australian hearing today to get new hearing aids for him that can supply higher volume for his left ear. Unfortunately, one of the new aids was missing the childproof battery lock and so he will have to wait for that one to be repaired. The good news is that it was the right aid that was missing the lock and so he is able to wear his old right hearing aid (with the same volume), and he can wear the new left hearing aid with the enhanced volume that his left ear needs.

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