Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Early learning and Australian Hearing

My wife forgot about attending Early learning this morning and they called her asking if she was coming. Scrambling everything together, she was there within fifteen minutes and found that the she was the only person scheduled to attend the session that day. The whole place had been setup just for Raphael. I think that she felt quite guilty about forgetting because of this.

I certainly don't mean this to sound like I am berating my wife for forgetting; but quite the opposite. I mention it becuase this is the first appointment that we have forgotten in the hundreds of appointments that we have had. Annie has been the solely responsible for scheduling appointments with practically no help from me at all and to have only forgotten one, amongst the countless numbers that we have had, I think is amazing.

Well done Annie! I cannot think of a high enough accolade for you, you are priceless.

In the afternoon we went to Australian Hearing to have more accurate hearing tests and new molds made. His left ear is only hearing above 90-100db which places that ear in the profound hearing loss zone. His right ear is much better, being a 45-55db loss (from memory).

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