Friday 24 August 2007

Crazy heart beat

Yesterday we took Raphael to his GP and she confirmed, just as the home care nurse had said the previous day, that this was viral and could be the nasty Influenza that has been going around. We were hoping that he would not get this because he is too young to have had the Influenza vaccination and we knew that it would effect him hard. On the good side, the GP was very happy with how his lungs were sounding.

Last night at 2:30 am his heart rate raised realy high (because of his high temperature). When it past 170 beats per minute his monitor alarm went off and I grogily raised the threshold to 200, when he started to scream and his heart rate past 200 I fought off my deep sleep to see that it peaked at 224 before I disconnected his monitor and CPAP to pick him up.

It was like cuddling a boiling kettle; he was steamy hot and his racing little heart was boiling in his chest. I gave him some Panadol and some hydrolite (becuase he has really thirsty too) and eventually I was able to put him back to bed.

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