Thursday, 1 June 2006


With all the different feeding attempts Raphael has begun vomiting. And when he vomits he expels everything. Usually in four or five hoiks he is swimming in a small puddle of everything that we had managed to feed him over the last hour.

This was actually previously diagnosed with a barium swallow as "significant gastro-oesophageal reflux" but this is where we really started to notice the consequences of it.


Unknown said...

ive got reflux to have they though of a fundo doesnt allwasy work didtn with me but worth a try and a gtube i thought they were manditory with chargers with reflux i could b wrong though lol

Paul Bartlett said...

We have not had any problems with the NGT (apart from it being pulled our or expelled from time-to-time) so I doubt that we would be keen on having an operation to have a belly tube implanted.