Thursday, 1 February 2007

February 2007 - Still not making the right sounds

Raphael is still not making appropriate vocalisations (not pronouncing different vowels). Annie and I have started to learn Auslan in case he turns out to be too deaf to communicate with speech.

We have also started to put headphones on him when we are playing nursery rhymes so we can up the volume for him without blowing the rest of us away.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

teach him the auslan though even he does speak he will one day meet other chargers who need it and use it and he will b lost i used touse it and forgot it and i wish id maintained it just for that type of thing in the listserve we say there r two forms one spoken and two sign spoken is godo but sign is a good back up for when u cant understnad soemthing or if he is around peers who use it hugs ellen